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Online Training

Guaranteed Results in minimum time, no matter your location



Bespoke Exercise Programme

This includes full workouts, from resistance training to cardio and active rest sessions. You complete our detailed assessment where we learn not just the hard facts of your previous exercise experience and medical history, but also seek to understand exactly what motivates you in the pursuit of your own unique physical excellence.

We write up a fully personalised training programme for you encompassing every aspect of exercise science that will allow you to achieve your goals in the swiftest possible time.

Every workout for the month is planned out – right down to load (weight), repetitions (that in some cases we will deliberately vary from workout to workout), and rest intervals. This way we can accurately predict your progress, and eliminate the need for any guesswork on your part.

Direct Access to Your Personal Trainer

This unique offering is the same as having one of our trainers coaching you in person with two distinct differences:

1) You MUST be motivated to get the most out of this. Without the benefit of our one to one in person coaching you will need to be dedicated, disciplined, and focused. Anything less and you will be wasting your money and our time.

2) You get the benefit of our top level online coaching expertise, and do not underestimate the power and usefulness of having a trainer at your disposal, at a massively discounted price to what we charge in a gym.

Nutritional Consultation & Audit

We ask every new client to keep a food diary of exactly what is consumed during the preceding week. This way we can accurately conduct a full scale audit of dietary habits and make positive changes that are particular to how you eat.

We are also very careful to integrate your nutritional plan within your existing lifestyle. Our view is that the word “diet” is a misnomer, and our main concern is putting you on the right track to create enduringly healthy eating habits.

Depending upon the client and the goals, we also map out a full scale supplementation programme that includes every possible permutation of what food supplements a client could take to their enhance their progress.

The Physical Activity Readiness *Questionnaire

Method of uncovering health and lifestyle issues prior to an exercise programme

PNF Health *Questionnaire

Health questionnaire capture a variety of health related information, physical and mental, which is often used for preventative care or to make diagnoses.


Best Value




Every month

Premium Package, for those demanding results

Valid until canceled

1 session of 45 mins 1-1 Bespoke Training

Unlimited Personalised workouts plan per week

Tailored Nutrition Program (veggie and vegan friendly)

Introductory health/lifestyle questionnaire

Custom Macro-Nutrient Guidelines

Support through email/text for advice and questions

Easy to Understand Weekly Progress Updates

Supplement Recommendations

*Minimum of 12 weeks commitment

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